On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 21:45:38 -0500
Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Collins Richey babbled on about:
> > > (like Doug's favorite Redmond Linux) that are beginning to
> > > assemble
> I've never used redmond... I like SuSE or linuxfromscratch...
> I just forwarded that piece cause I know several on here
> like/use/develop redmond

Sorry, the comment about Doug's favorite wasn't from me.  

I haven't tried SuSE in years; do they still have the all-in-one
mega-mondo-humonguous config file?  I've always preferred adequate
instructions for doing configs myself, or puzzle it out with a little
help from my friends.

LFS is good, but limited to command line stuff in the regular distro. 
Also I never liked the multiplicity of lists and the prevailing
ATTITUDE (my way or the highway).

Anyway, it would take a major bombshell to draw me away from gentoo. 
They are always quite current with updates of stuff that actually
works.  They're not the first to jump on the bandwagon for the latest
KDE or GNOME craze, but as soon as most of the bleeding has stopped,
they'll release a package.  It took them a few tries to get galeon
right, for example, but I'm sure glad I slogged through.

Speaking of slogging, the latest koffice install is g++ing along in
another window.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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