--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Tim Wunder wrote:
> [clip]
> % Erm, pardon my ignorance, but what's "strip executables" mean?
> Remove unneeded symbols from binaries. "man strip" should help.

Hopefully, Kurt won't mind if i expand a wee bit on this.  
Quite often, programmers compile binaries with debugging symbols left
in, so that if the binary doesn't behave the way its supposed to, they
can run a debugger against the binary to see what its doing when. 
Basically, they can run the binary in slow motion, and stop it at any
time, feed it data, and generally get a much better idea of what its
doing (wrong, in most cases).  
A side effect of leaving the debugging symbols in the code is that the
binary is larger in size, and will run slower.  So, a lot of times, the
debugging code is removed for the final version.  A few examples of this
in action are the precompiled binaries of Mozilla, which still have the
debugging code left in them, and i think the 'beta' versions of KDE. 
Unfortunately, KDE is still gawd awful slow even without the debugging
code in it.


Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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