Excuse me pointing this out, but many different distros use many different 
methods to start X - hence the advice is not quite as pointed as you might 

What are you using? 2 start files are /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc (aka 
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc), and /etc/X11/xsession. Distro scripts for 
starting X have large tangles and knots in them; Mandrsake offers xtart to 
choose your windowmanager, which relies on /etc/X11/wmsession.d. It's all 
clear as mud.

On Sunday 23 December 2001 18:29, you wrote:
> Well, I was attempting to remove kde1.1.2 to make my machine a
> "leaner, meaner an faster machine".... unfortuanately I boobed
> someplace.
> x is still good, but cannot get to a gui for login now..
> Using the line /etc/rc.d/rc.gui
> INIT: /opt/kde/bin/kdm: not installed
> I changed the line in /etc/config.d/shells/bashrc
> to read kde2 as follows...
> [ -z "$KDEDIR" ]&&[ -d /opt/kde2 ] && export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2
> backedup my X11 scripts and proceeded to remove kde1 items.
> (I have not yet removed qt1), logged out of gui, switched to tty1
> logged in as root replaced my X11 scripts and proceeded with
> /etc/rc.d/rc.gui to receive above.
> telinit 5 gives the following
> INIT: /opt/kde/bin/kdm: not installed
> INIT: Switching to runlevel: 3
> INIT: sending processes the TERM signal
> Press <enter> to continue
> back to my loggin prompt.
> I also did perform the kill pid of kdm but there was no process to
> kill
> Im currently using a webmail interface from browser so I hope the
> wordwrap aint too awfull.
> TIA for any ideas.
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        Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

        A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

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