Looks just like what Im about to do, as the xdm does the same way as kdm..  pulls kde2 up in pieces, rather than a whole...
Thanxs for all thew help... almsot guarantee that more will be needed when I begin from scratch, especially getting help removing ALL traces of kde2.1.1 before I begin with 2.2.2(or latest stable)
  Bill Day ( a.k.a. BadMan )  188133 http://counter.li.org
  irc.openprojects.net   #linux-users ( Open 24/7 )
  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall grow a
  spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and one in determination
  to break those who dare test our resolve to be free...
  7:30am  up 146 days, 22:01, 16 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
----- Original Message -----
From: Net Llama
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: killed gui...

If your box uses PAM for authentication, then all authentication apps
need to use PAM.

Have you tried (temporarily) switching to xdm instead of kdm? 

At this point, i'd suggest rebuilding all of KDE, and just doing a full
upgraed to whatever the latest is (2.2.2 i think).  No sense in piddling
further with an outdated version of KDE.  Doug wrote a SxS for this,
although i had little success.  Then again, i dont' get along well with

--- BadMan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 8^(
> I can run KDE2 in pieces, this is why it is driving me nuts so bad.
> the only problem is I cannot login when I get the kde2 login dialogue.
> Login Failed!
> This is my only messages now(in /var/log/secure) after dling
> kdebase-2.1.1 and compiling with ./configure --with=pam after using
> telinit 3 then telinit 5 I get kde2 login dialogue attempt login:
> Dec 26 07:45:43 linuxbox PAM-warn[4644]: service: xdm [on terminal:
> :0]
> Dec 26 07:45:43 linuxbox PAM-warn[4644]: user: (uid=0) -> bill
> [remote: ?nobody@?nowhere]
> Do I need a service for pam to auth xdm?  Will piddle with that
> tonight and see what I get.
> If I login in a tty then startx, then in an xterm type kde2 or
> startkde I get kde2 in multiple terms, desktop, kickerpanel etc... but
> they all have the green term bard across the top   8^(
> Shouldn't 'startkde' from a commandline start my xserver then begin
> kde...?  it does not on here.
> As for downgrading, the box has only contained eD2.4 and is actually a
> functional box, gateway/firewall/file-print server/web server...
> My next step may be a lfs type setup on top of linux, i.e. removing
> x3.3.6 and all referencec to kde1(2) and grab a new new xfree86 and
> start from there....
>   Bill Day ( a.k.a. BadMan )  188133 http://counter.li.org
>   irc.openprojects.net   #linux-users ( Open 24/7 )
>   Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall
> grow a
>   spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and one in
> determination
>   to break those who dare test our resolve to be free...
>                  http://www.daysdomain.com/tribute.html
>   7:30am  up 146 days, 22:01, 16 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00,
> 0.00
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Declan Moriarty
>   Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 4:48 AM
>   Subject: Re: killed gui...
>   Recently, somebody somewhere said:
>   > Well, I have made absolutely no progress on this....  other than
> starting
>   > kde2 from an xterm inside an xserver(after I have logged in via a
> tty)
>   >
>   > Still a telinit 5 gets me my kde2 kdm login dialogue, but cant for
> the life
>   > of me figure out why I cant auth(I was using kde1 kdm to login for
> both
>   > kde1, and kde2)  So I guess, from lonnies point of view that maybe
> I should
>   > recompile the source for kdm or something..  anyone else have
> suggestions
>   > on the matter...
>   >
>   > Again, pardon my wordwrap.. lookout and I don't agree..
>   If you're reduced to outlook, you're in very bad shape. Why not go
> back to
>   your last distro - downgrade. If it needs a bit of help try rm -rf *
> from
>   appropiate places.
>   Then start forward. Anything is faster than what you're at. Nobody
> can get a
>   handlke on your problem except a kde developer, and even they might
> suggest
>   something similarly drastic.

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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