On Dec 23 patrick kapturkiewicz was heard saying:

->Merry Christmas to you all from the Alps.
->It's -15°C cold here. There is plenty enough snow on the
->...and on the roads (Snowplows' strike -- grin)
->in this country not very far than the fine Lonni's pics ;-)
->There is nothing better than a good wood fire in a little
->Joyeux Noel a tous.

*** Oui, et tu as oublie de mentioner le verre de vin, la dinde roti et la
superbe Francaise avec quelle tu es coince dans ton chalet à -15°C
jusqu'au annee prochaine... ;-))*

Joyeux Noel a toi aussi...

"Software is like sex, It's better when it's Free..."
  -- Linus Torvalds

(*=Yeah, and you forgot to mention the glass of wine, the grilled turkey
and the superb french girl you're stuck with in your castle until next 

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