--- Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 January 2002 03:51 pm,Net Llama wrote:
> > --- Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > However, us native Californians have the luxury of not having to
> > > know about
> > > a)  putting on snow tires just to go get a six pack
> > > b)  snow tires, period
> >
> > Nonsense.  I've never needed snow tires in all the years I drove in
> > the Northeast.  That's another misconception that Californians have.
> > Snow tires won't save your *ss if you don't know how to drive in
> > snow.  I've driven through blizzards where the road was covered in a
> > foot of snow, and never lost control of my car (and it wasn't a 4x4
> > either).
> Sure, because a Ford Crown Victoria (what, 6000 pounds?) is the
> default 
> vehicle.  ;-)

Errr...no.  Try a tiny Saturn SL1.

> So we agree about the rust??

Sure.  I can't deny that nature takes its course.

> > > i)  anywhere in NY in late August - September.
> >
> > Feh.  You've obviously never been in NY that time of year.
> I was in Troy, NY in late August; it was like a sauna.  Ditto
> Manhattan 
> ;-)

Indeed, Troy, the armpit of NY (and home to my alma mater as well).  I
spent 4 of the darkest years of my life living in Troy.  Try Troy in
January when there's 6 feet of snow, and the temperature with the
windchill is -20F.

> Besides, how can you tell a native californian from an immigrant?  I 
> would submit that we "natives" are a minority.

Most likely true.  At least i don't feel the need to go 20MPH as soon as
the first rain drop hits the road.

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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