On Wednesday 16 January 2002 2:03 am, Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 01:58,Douglas J Hunley scribed:
> > forwarded per Joel's request. He can receive mail from the list fine, but
> > whenever he tries to send to linux.nf he gets rejected with what's below.
> > anyone know how to help him?
> There seems to be problem somewhere with the list server that is
> intermittant. I occasionally have mail returned as relaying denied, I then
> copy and resend, it then goes fine. No idea why either.

I had the same problem but 100% of the time when the list started up and I 
was mailing via my normal isp (btinternet.com) so I now use uklinux for all 
mails to the SxS lists and that works fine.

Linux Step by Step (UK mirror): http://www.pam.roberts.btinternet.co.uk/sxs/
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users

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