Lavinius Romio Petru babbled on about:
> So far so good, but you can be using --sport too to only allow
> connections from priveleged ports, and I olso played with something like

example? where in this code would it go? advantages? disadvantages?

> this
> /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --tcp-flags ACK ACK --dport 80 \
> -m string --string 'cmd.exe' -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
> and add it permanent for a few days as well as for root.exe, but it
> looks good so far!!!

actually, I prefer to let the hits in, as I have things in place to trap them 
and .. uh.. "deal" with the offending machine <g>

(check the archives from to see the details..

Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

panic("sun_82072_fd_inb: How did I get here?");
        2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/include/asm-sparc/floppy.h
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