>I don't know how much about wireless.  Certainly it's easier, but probably
>expensive and maybe less secure (at least you'd have to think about those

We are still thinking about how to lay things out yet wireless vs. LAN.
so far wireless is cheaper. for some oddball reason it is very expensive to
hardwire the building.  I have heard figures at forty grand???

>It shouldn't be terribly hard to wire the building yourself, depending on
>it's built.  I'd be happy to offer advice about that.  I would think it
>only take a week or less, and less than $4000 in equipment.

I have never anything so I am out of my league on that one..

>If you do get DSL, the Cisco 678 you'll get will do NAT, DHCP, and packet
>filtering (a little) for you. 
I will look at that !! Thanks.

>You may still have use for a Linux
>router/firewall box, but you probably don't need static IP addresses.  The
>dynamic one that comes with basic service will probably do.  If you want to
>servers, that's a different story, but just to get students on the net you
>need your own block of IPs.

I am just itching' to bring Linux in here ..we are all Microsoft.  

>I don't see any reason to run your own servers.  There are plenty of free
>services where students can get accounts (maybe even from the school).  If
>let the DSL modem do DHCP, you won't have to worry about DNS and such too

Thats all takin care. Running Imail on a NT box.

>Admittedly I've never done this on this scale, so there may be problems I
>forsee.  But I have done some shoestring installs like this before.

I think I am going to find out!

Thanks Dave for the input!


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