Scribbling feverishly on January 18, dep managed to emit:
> On Friday 18 January 2002 05:32, Kurt Wall wrote:
> | > Can I change them using fstab settings?
> |
> | No.
> well, um, yes and no. going back to ext2 requires editing /etc/fstab, 
> does it not? and on some systems (i'm thinking suse 7.3 here), in 

Yes, you have to edit /etc/fstab, too. But, changing the FS from ext3
to ext2 is not accomplished simply by editing /etc/fstab, which is
how I understood the question.

> addition to getting the repaired mk_inittab script from suse, one 
> needs to set up fstab such that / is ext3, but additional partitions 
> may be set to "auto." (in suse, for reasons not yet translated from 
> the german, setting / to "auto" boots it as ext2, while on subsequent 
> partitions if the setting is ext3, they're usually not mounted at 
> all, though you can do it by hand after the machine is booted. and if 
> that makes it seem that suse 7.3 is a fundamentally good distribution 
> cloaked in a cloud of configurational fog -- well, i have no argument 
> to the contrary.)

I'll leave it to others to fight this partiular religious war. I have
no opinion on SuSE.


You need more time; and you probably always will.
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