On Sunday 20 Jan 2002 01:03, Keith Antoine wrote:
> I have ext2 on my $HOME partition and did a:
> kantoine@linux:~> su
> Password:
> linux:/home/kantoine # tune2fs -j /dev/hda10
> tune2fs 1.24a (02-Sep-2001)
> Creating journal inode:
> tune2fs: Permission denied
>         while trying to create journal file
> Whats this as I was in ROOT at the time not sued...........
> I also had purchased Acronis, as mentioned in this list by someone as
> it recognises Ext3 and partition magic doesn't. I had resized /usr an
> ext3 partition and added the extra to /home.

Keith, you can convert between ext2 and ext3, either way, in Acronis.  
That's how I did it.  I never used tune2fs.
> All other partitons that were labelled ext2 in /etc/fstab all reported
> that they already had a journal file.

Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.  AMD Athlon XP 1600+, 512MB RAM.
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