On Thursday 31 January 2002 9:36 am, John Voigt wrote:
> At this point, I am considering switching distros, and am considering both
> SuSE and Mandrake (I still can't bring myself to use RedHat...yet) and
> possibly others. I need to  consider both workstation and server
> application for both home and business use, although there probably isn't
> one distro which is equally adept for all applications, I'm interested to
> hear anyone's opinions on the options.

I switched to SuSE from  eD2.4  and have been very happy.  First with 7.2 and 
now with 7.3.    With 7.2, CUPs was the default printer setup but I didn't 
use it, instead I installed the latest LPRng (like I always did with 
Caldera).  I notice that with 7.3 they switched to LPRng as the default so 
that was a no-brainer.

> My main criteria are:
> - stability/security

Have had no problems.  I don't heavily use the on-line (and automatic) update 
facility but it is there and works well.

> - A distro with some continuity/upgradability/sense of direction.
> Wipe-clean/install-new gets to be a PITA very quickly, particularly with
> multiple installations in different locations, location-specific
> configurations, etc...

SuSE seems to put out a new release about every 4 months.  I can't really 
attest to how well it upgrades from one release to the next as I tend to 
always do fresh installs.

> - reasonable price without unreasonable license restrictions. I don't
> necessarily mind paying for specific commercial apps, but If I want
> per-seat licensing, I can use Windoze and make management reasonably happy.

Seems to fit the bill there.

> - Not bleeding edge, but reasonably current


> - other criteria which I haven't thought of yet ;-)

How about almost every piece of software written for Linux?  (although they 
don't include webmin for some reason)

I've been a very happy SuSE user  and now that I notice this is the linux.nf 
list I can say that I feel badly for some users of Caldera who are still 
fighting the "I want to install xyz but I can't get:  it to compile/get by 
the dependencies etc etc.   One reason I left Caldera was that I felt it was 
falling too far behind between releases and the split between WS and Server 
was not what I wanted.   An SuSE distribution can be any kind of machine you 
want to make it and the machine I am typing this on is both server and WS.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         01/31/02 09:47  +
"There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or
  to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking." - Alfred Korzybski
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