Ted Ozolins wrote:
> On Saturday 09 February 2002 07:14 pm, Net Llama wrote:
> > I think a key piece of info that is missing here is whether he has
> > simply forgetten the password(s), or if something occured to render
> > authentication broken.
> >
> > Tinkering with /etc/shadow may not be the best idea, especially if this
> > is simply a matter of a forgetten password, where booting into single
> > user mode would be the ideal fix.
> >
> I thought that in an earlier post it did state that " I have forgotten my
> password" I'm assuming that he meant the "root" password. I still think this
> is nothing more than client passwords timing out.

When passwords time out...you are/should be prompted to change them. 
They shouldn't just expire and lock users out.

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