On Wednesday 13 February 2002 09:12 pm, daddy wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 February 2002 09:58, Ted wrote:
> > I ran across this once while using COL 2.4. There is no warning
> > that tells you that the user passwords have expired. Since I'm
> > always changing something or upgrading some package, I use the root
> > password a lot.  Once logged in as root, I entered in the passwords
> > for all the users and all was back to normal. I then unchecked the
> > box "expires in" and had no problems since. I change user passwords
> > on a regular basis, but when I decide and not when the system
> > decides its time to roll them.
> I ended up changing the expiration time to several years.  We'll see
> if that takes care of it.
> Mark
I set mine to "0" and have not had any problems with it. (Thats on an eD2.4 
box) Yes I know 3.1.1 is out and 3.1 has been out for a while now but, I 
hesitate to upgrade my wifes computer in fear that something will get messed 
up. She likes the way its set up and since it aint broken she doesn't want it 
fixed. Only three reboots since the release of 2.4 due to kernel upgrades. 

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.
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