On Thu, 06 Jun 2013 00:02:34 +0200
Tony Cheneau <tony.chen...@amnesiak.org> wrote:

> I have not yet updated the code that currently makes use of the
> serial protocol (Econotag's firmware, serial driver, the virtual
> serial device [3] (currently experimental)), because I intend to do
> so when this draft document becomes more stable.

What's the status of this?
It looks like the thread that stemmed from this is over, so I think a
sort of consensus was reached.

If you have already moved to the coding part, is the repo available

Cheers, Luca

P.S. the mc1322x is temporarily offline. Mariano knows and is working
on that.

  .''`.  |               ~<[ Luca BRUNO ~ (kaeso) ]>~
 : :'  : | Email: lucab (AT) debian.org ~ Debian Developer
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