On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 06:30:31PM +0200, Ferenc Wagner wrote:

> Ezt hogyan lehet ellenorizni?


All this differs from the old initrd in several ways:
  - When switching another root device, initrd would pivot_root and then
    umount the ramdisk.  But initramfs is rootfs: you can neither pivot_root
    rootfs, nor unmount it.  Instead delete everything out of rootfs to
    free up the space (find -xdev / -exec rm '{}' ';'), overmount rootfs
    with the new root (cd /newmount; mount --move . /; chroot .), attach
    stdin/stdout/stderr to the new /dev/console, and exec the new init.

    Since this is a remarkably persnickity process (and involves deleting
    commands before you can run them), the klibc package introduced a helper
    program (utils/run_init.c) to do all this for you.  Most other packages
    (such as busybox) have named this command "switch_root".

Szvsz egy ures ramfs 1-2 kB-nal tobbet nem foglal.


     MTA SZTAKI Computer and Automation Research Institute
                Hungarian Academy of Sciences
linux lista      -      linux@mlf.linux.rulez.org
