On Wednesday 31 Dec 2008 5:02:25 pm jtd wrote:
> > well, I read the licenses you sent. I agree with JTD that there is
> > no way trolltech/nokia can prevent me from using the open source
> > version to develop and distribute closed source code.
> While your contention is correct (ref your second para), that is not
> what i am getting at. What i am saying is that troltech's contention
> that i cannot commercially distribute gpl software is rubbish.
> Trolltech is implying that i cannot sell gpl software because their
> licence is gpl + restrictions.
> Thus a person wanting to profit by selling a package with GPLv2 /3  QT
> libs under the terms of the gpl cannot do so because trolltech has
> licenced QT as gpl + trolltech restrictions. In which case QT is not
> gpl and trolltech is conning the public by pretending their licence
> is gpl.  
> And if it is gpl i can sell commercially with source and no additional
> restriction as per the gpl.
> Which ever way you look at it the are playing a con game, as far as
> their licence page goes.

Agree - they have a license section which forms part of the code they 
distribute. This has the GPL quoted verbatim, giving all the rights GPL gives 
with only one modification relating to openssl - THERE IS NO OTHER 
MODIFICATION. There is also a file named OPENSOURCE-NOTICE.TXT. Here they 
have tacked on some conditions - but these conditions do not form part of the 
license - if they did, then it is doubtful whether either FSF or OSF would 
recognise their license. So the con game is also there in the code itself.

Kenneth Gonsalves

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