On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 07:50:29PM +0100, Richard Hill wrote:
> the word 'Slave' needs to be dropped ASAP.
> Waiting for the official committee might be like watching paint dry.

Sorry for being a bit thick here, but where is this sudden urgency
coming from?  It's been like this for many, many years.  It is in the
realm of things that could have been better in hindsight, but don't
really make any difference.

> But what is wrong with 'Master' - ie Master Craftsman, Master
> Boatmaker, Master Baker, therefore Master Clock.  And doesn't it
> correctly describe what it's function is ?

What do you mean what's wrong with it? The same thing that is wrong with
'slave', of course. Which is one meaning of it. "But words have more
than one meaning", I hear you say? Yes, sure, here is what the Oxford
Learner's Dictionary has to say about the word 'slave':

3. (specialist) a device that is directly controlled by another one.


So, there you go. It is illogical to be offended by the word 'slave' but
not by 'master'.


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