Thanks for this. I just ended up writing a log parser for the ptp4l output 
which did the job as well. The current output contains exactly the outputs that 
I wanted/needed. 

The reason for asking here was to see if there was more value that I could add 
by making this sort of thing available to the community at large rather than 
just in my own personal project. 


> On 28 Oct 2020, at 07:04, Richard Cochran <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 06:16:01AM -0700, Richard Cochran wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 02:14:48PM +1000, Luke Howard wrote:
>>> [resending from correct email]
>>>> The output of the pmc tool is still unstructured text. So to feed it into 
>>>> a script I would still need to write an output parser of some sort and I 
>>>> would have to guess that my parser covers all of the cases that the tool 
>>>> might generate and I would have to assume that the output format doesn’t 
>>>> change. This is what got me thinking about structuring the output format 
>>>> somehow in a way that any tool could consume it. 
>>> Perhaps in that case a structured text option to pmc(8) would be useful and 
>>> not too hard to add?
>> In contrast to the logging, I think the pmc output is already
>> structured and easy to parse.
> Case in point:
> - I wanted to add simple client monitoring to a deployment.
> - Running pmc every second (or so) is really easy in systemd, and the
>  output is logged automatically, BUT
> - the client's records are spread across multiple lines, and that is
>  not very convenient in the syslog.
> - So, what do I do?  Invent a new logging interface?  Nah.
> Something like this in python could emit json pretty easily, I would
> expect...
> ---8<--- pmc-monitor.service ------
> [Unit]
> Description=PTP Logging Service
> [Service]
> Type=exec
> ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/
> Restart=always
> [Install]
> ---8<--- ------
> #!/bin/sh
> while [ 1 ]; do
>       pmc -u 'get current' | awk -e '
> function print_last_record() {
>       if (!last) {
>               return;
>       }
>       gsub("\t", " ", last);
>       print last;
> }
> {
>       if ($1 == "sending:") {
>               next;
>       }
>       if ($4 == "RESPONSE" && $5 == "MANAGEMENT") {
>               print_last_record();
>               last = $1 " " $6;
>               next;
>       }
>       last = last $0;
> }
> END {
>       print_last_record();
> }
> '
>       sleep 1
> done

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