On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Christopher Ambler wrote:

> And what of the ccTLDs that are not run by the governments? What of those
> who are operated out-of-country? What of those who are operated without
> the oversight (and perhaps even the knowledge) of the government in
> question?

If they are operated *WITH* the knowledge of the government in question
then we must assume that they are operated under the oversight of that
government, however light handed that oversight may be.

But if you believe that there is a ccTLD that is operated without the
knowledge of the government of the country that was assigned the ISO
country code in question, then it is your duty to contact that government
and inform them of this fact. What the government decides to do about it
or not do about it, is their business.

Michael Dillon                 -               E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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