
You wrote:

> On 15-Jan-99 Christopher Ambler wrote:
> > And what of the ccTLDs that are not run by the governments? What of
> those
> > who are operated out-of-country? What of those who are operated without
> > the oversight (and perhaps even the knowledge) of the government in
> > question?
> > 
> > Just asking...
> RFC1591 (which is the authority for delegating these domains) specifies
> that
> the administrative contact is the policy maker for the TLD, and must
> reside in
> the country of origin.
> Who ever said that governments had the right to "oversight" of the ccTLD?
> That would be a Bad Thing(tm) as we would be adding a level of
> bureaucratic and
> arbitrary decision making to the Registry processes.
I agree, but have a real problem of understanding of the current situation.

If it is not the national Government who "appointed" the administrative
contact, who was it?
In other words, how can an entity become "the" ccTLD for a country if not by
appointment by an authoritative body?


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