On 02-Feb-99 Marsh, Miles (Gene) wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> IPv8 does offer potential solutions for Internet addressing schema and
> domain space issues.  There has, however, been no constructive
> discussion about it in many months.  This is an attempt to re-open the
> discussion without putting those discussions on the existing lists. 
> If you feel there is benefit or reason to create and maintain a
> separate discussion list for IPv8 within the IETF or ISOC structures,
> please advise.

OK, time for an airing out here.

IPv8 is NOT an official IP Addressing project of ANY sort.  It was created
by Jim Fleming, who has the following as some of his track record :

1) Registered the domain dot.am at one point, and placed up pages that made
false claims about associations with the .AM registry, and with others.  Once
these details were made public, he deleted the domain, and removed the
webpages.  The .AM hostmaster posted publicly that the comments on Jim's
webpage there were false, and that no relationship existed between them except
in that Jim had registered the dot.am domain with them.

2) IPv8 has NO official standing as a project in any of the technical forums in
which new protocols and addressing schemes are debated.  These technical forums
have soundly rejected the principle of Mr Flemings attempt to force his own
limited view of how the internet should work on to all of us.

3) IPv8 has its most support from  a number of "alternative" TLD/root-server
operators who are also operating outside of any authority to operate their
TLDs. They like the IPv8 plan because it would legitimize their efforts without
any process of review or standards. (this does not mean that all alternative
TLD operators support Fleming's proposals).

I am spelling all of this out because Mr Marsh has attempted to make IPv8
appear as a perfectly legitimate project, and ignores the fact it has NO
support whatsoever in the Internet technical community, and indeed is quite 
flawed according to them.  It has no support amongst any of the recognized
groups of stakeholders.

Mr Marsh knew that there was no one person who "controls" this list, and that
it would be difficult to have any action taken against him here for posting
such a blatent advertisement for something that, by his own admission, is off
topic for this list.  He took advantage of that.  Had he posted that to any of
the other lists, I expect he would of been strong warned at the very least. 
Many other lists (including marketing related lists) would of bounced him off
immediately for it.

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 01-Feb-99
Time: 16:50:56

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