At 08:11 AM 2/4/99 +0000, you wrote:
>On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Esther Dyson wrote:

Is there an acronym for "truer words were never spoken?" TWWNS?

Bill Lovell
>As far as I know, no one is complaining that ICANN is not saying enough.
>The complaints are
>1      that was is said in public is often deliberately misleading
>2      and that the proceedings of the ICANN board are private, which
>       is wholly inappropriate for a group holding a great public trust,
>       but appointed by a secret process and accountable to no one
>These complaints are being addressed by hiring a public relations 
>agency.  This doesn't address either complaint.  Indeed it suggests that
>ICANN's intent is to be more professionally misleading while still, of
>course, maintaining its secret ways.
>Try to remember that what ICANN needs is trust.  Slick PR won't buy you
>that; openness, transparency, and accountability would.
>Jim Dixon 

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