Forwarded per Mr Semich's permission in this message.
 I should note that I fully concur with Mr Semich in his analysis here, and
 concur that the Paris draft is indeed the draft that better represents the
 principles we have been seeking in this process since it's beginning.
 Speaking for myself, and on behalf of DSO Internet/WXWeb Services, I
 fully support the Paris draft encourage others to read the two drafts and post
 their own opinions as soon as possible.  This is MOST important.
 William X. Walsh, General Manager
 DSO Internet/WXWeb Services
 -----FW: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>-----
 Date: Fri,  5 Feb 1999 20:10:05 EDT
 From: "J. William Semich (NIC JWS7)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Re: DNSO process and Drafts submitted to ICANN
 I am sorry, Amadeu, but you have changed history a bit in your long and
 most interesting missive (excerpted below). Please see my comments....
 In reply to 06 Feb message from Amadeu Abril i Abril
>All process participants, friends, lurkers and PhD
>students in search of pathological cases for your dissertations
>I'm sending a short note summarizing what's transpired over the
>past week. ...
>As many of you are aware, there are two drafts that have come out
>of the so called process. While this is not what was
>intended, it is what has resulted and we need to work with this.
>The first draft is based on the work in Barcelona and 
>Monterrey, and was built on by the organizers of the Washington 
>meeting. Let's call it the BMW draft
 You have missed a very important piece of information here, Amadeu.
 Washington is where the DNSO "consensus process" broke. The (originally
 secret) Washington meeting discarded all the work that went before and
 completely changed the direction of the "consensus" that we all had
 worked so hard so long to build. The trademark and other business
 interests *were* involved in Monterrey, but in Washington they were *in
 charge*, not just involved.
 So please do not call it the BMW draft - it is, instead, the "Washington
 There is also some question as to whether "ISOC" as an organization
 supports the "Washington Draft" as well. Where is the poll of ISOC
>Many of the organisers of the Washington meeting (ITAA,
>WITSA, ICC..) also support it, and this is why it is "more" than 
>Barcelona & Monterrey.
 Sorry, Amadeu, but it is *less* than Barcelona and Monterrey. Just look
 at the list of participants in Monterrey and you will see that 19 of the
 39 who attended have signed on to support the Paris Draft, where only 10
 of them are signing the DNSO.ORG draft.
 I believe the Paris Draft most completely represents the kinds of
 approaches we all worked so hard to build into this process througout
 the many months we have all been working on it - all the way back to the
 first IFWP meeting in Reston, VA last year.
 I urge the members of these lists to closely review the Paris Draft and
 also add your names in support of it. And if any of you belong to other
 relevant lists, please circulate this message to those as well.
 Best wishes,
 Bill Semich (NIC JWS7)
 Internet Users Society - Niue
 .NU Domain (Niue, The South Pacific)
 --------------End of forwarded message-------------------------
 E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: 05-Feb-99
 Time: 17:48:42
 "We may well be on our way to a society overrun by hordes
 of lawyers, hungry as locusts." 
 - Chief Justice Warren Burger, US Supreme Court, 1977

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