John B. Reynolds a écrit:

> You administer your zone indirectly by controlling which ISP runs it
> directly. 

Administer the zone indirectly? What are you talking about? Is this a game
of semantics to you? It's a file. How do I change it's contents when it's on
a server in the house or office of someone else, and I don't have write
access? Would you like to tell everyone who may be witnessing this inane
discussion just what in the name of mother McCreedy you're talking about?

> You have the power to move your zone file to another provider

Move the zone file? What, copy and paste it from one server to another? Is
that how zone files are transferred? Horse-puckey! And even if it were, what
average domain name holder even knows how to access zone files, or has
access to a unix machine to do it with? 

> to your own server (assuming sufficient Internet connectivity)

How many domain name holders have unix boxes with BIND running on them, or
know how to configure BIND? Even the ISPs can't do it correctly.

> or to a service
> that would permit you to administer it directly.

No such service exists. But I see your game. You're not interested in useful
discussion, but in seeing if you can manipulate people. I won't waste any
more time with you.

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