>For the WMB application (In the interests of avoiding possible
>Intellectual Property entanglements I shall use "WMB" from now on,
>instead of "BMW" :-)) we have the following submitters:
>ITAA -- 11000 members
>INTA -- 3200 members, 113 countries
>EuroISPA -- Largest ISP association in the world
>ICC -- 7000 members, 63 countries
>AILPA -- over 10000 members
>ISOC -- 6000 members, 150 countries
>WITSA -- International Consortium of organizations
>ECE -- New European organization just started w/ support of
>       european commission
>CORE -- 85 registrars, 23 countries
>POC -- represents 200+ MoU Signatories

Sorry, but when an organization does not ASK its membership for its
opinions on an issue it cannot claim to represent them.

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