
> Think of the communication disconnects, what code-page are you on this
> minute? Which version of DBCS are you using?

Would you say then that *no* DN system *could* handle multiple 
code-tables?  I readily agree that as far as its readability by *me* 
goes, a Cambodian-script domain name has no advantage over its 
unadorned IP number -- but that is, in its negative way, my point. 
DNS was created as a human convenience; if now TMO are 
insisting that convenience is a marketable property, then the way 
out for the technical operation is to use characters that are of 
distinctly *limited* convenience. As it happens, the globe provides 
a number of such limitations and I dont think your questions rebut 
the case that they just might serve the purpose, if some thought is 
given to their implementation.  

If the internet proves to be the salvation of any number of 
endangered linguistic groups rather than the vehicle for English 
uber alles, it might go some way to redeeming its 'tarnished' image 
as the sorcerer's broom gone hog-wild. Even ICANN might grasp 
this point, I think.




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