Christopher Ambler a écrit:
> I'd be happy to comment on this. There is apparently a
> meeting the day before among the organizers of the
> meeting on the 22nd. I have no idea what's to be
> discussed, and that's why I'm rather glad that an ORSC
> rep will be there. I was asked, but I cannot attend, as my
> plane leaves Thursday afternoon rather than Thursday
> morning, and I'd not make it on time. I asked that Jay
> attend on behalf of ORSC.
> The main and overwhelming reason is so that he can
> report back to the ORSC list on the content of that
> meeting; remember, I have no idea what it will be!
> Better to have someone there than not, no?

That's the same logic used by everyone who participates in closed processes.
Did you ask whether the meeting was open to everyone who is interested? Did
you refuse to participate in a closed meeting? Is it alright when ti's the
ORSC that does it, but a terrible crime when it's someone else?

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