Michael chooses to ignore this part of what I said :

On 09-Jan-99 Michael Sondow wrote:
>> Makes perfect sense for ORSC, and for any organization electing to be
>> represented, to make sure they crash these closed meetings if at all
>> possible,
>> to force them to be open, despite any plans otherwise.  I would imagine that
>> was the goal in publishing the request for an ORSC rep to be there in the
>> first
>> place, to make the details public.

And says this....
> Oh, so it's just fine when the ORSC accepts invitations to closed, exclusive
> meetings, in order to "force them to be open"? There's only one way to force
> them to be open: demand that everyone who wants to attend can go, and refuse
> to participate if they aren't.

You will note that ORSC is the ONLY one who posted anything about this meeting
PUBLICLY.  You found out about it from a post from Stef on a public list. 
Please tell me Michael that you can figure out the intent of that post?  If not
I made it pretty clear above.  My posting that message publicly, it indeed
forced some of the details of this meeting to be public, and in affect took the
wind out of their attempt to conduct a closed door meeting.
> The ORSC is participating in a closed meeting. Neither myself, the DNRC,
> Milton Mueller, Tom Lowenhaupt, nor anyone else opposing the INTA or the
> business/trademark cartels has been invited. The meeting hasn't been
> publicly announced because the organizers and participants are ashamed of
> what they're doing. That meeting is the real one; the one on the 22nd is the
> window dressing, just like you accused the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list of being
> window dressing, except this time it's for real.
> You're a bunch of lousy hypocrites. Nothing more and nothing less.

Michael, you wouldn't even know about it now if it wasn't for ORSC.  So please
pray tell how that makes ORSC hippocrits. 

It was public corrspondence about this meeting that brought the details into
public light.  I surely hope you are intelligent enough to figure that out.

(And please note I am not an ORSC member, but I do participate on their mailing
list, and often differ with their positions).

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08-Jan-99
Time: 21:39:19

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