Eric Fleischman
> Regardless, I am very embarrassed to see a man of Vint Cerf's 
> stature being publicly treated with such appalling disrespect. 
> Vint is one of the true heroes of the Internet. I honor him as 
> does virtually everyone else on these lists. We similarly 
> regretted when similar abuse was poured out on another hero,
> Jon Postel. Please, let's honor these giants with the respect
> that they deserve while they are still alive and thereby 
> demonstrate our gratitude for the Internet. One needn't agree
> with all of their positions. However, common decency demands
> that they be accorded the respect that they have earned.

 Hero worship and cults of personality are
 the hallmarks of these brave new Internauts.
 What delicious irony for people so assiduous
 in their assertions of reason, science and
 the progress of humanity through computer

 Cerf is as dead to the world as Postel is in
 so far as the Wars of Internet Governance are
 concerned. Cerf sides with his MCI corporate
 buddies protecting all those stock options and
 holdings and that pretty fortune he's amassed.
 While Dyson and Roberts and that incredible ICANN
 show unwinds in glorious incomptance and 3-D.

 A person who ignores present crises and expects
 to ride on their past accomplishments loses
 respect real fast. Cerf better turn around and
 figure out what's happening on Earth before he
 flies off to the stars again.

 Bob Allisat

 Free Community Network _ [EMAIL PROTECTED] _

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