At 04:25 PM 1/10/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Who's fault is all this? Again, Stef's probably right in pointing to
>>ICANN. It's this competition for applications, this beauty contest
>>that's been set up, where everyone thinks that if they can knock out
>>their opponents they'll be declared the winner. Stupid, isn't it? But
>>that's the mentality we're dealing with. Really stupid. And
>>meanwhile, NSI has climbed to $175/share.
>I disagree that this is ICANN's fault.  ICANN was set up as an
>experiment in Internet self-governance.  If the disputing parties
>merely wish to use this process as an arena to fight each other,
>instead of working collectively to achieve compromise, there's little
>ICANN or anyone else can do about it.

Here's what I would do if I were ICANN: give up.

>From Postel to IAHC to ICANN there has always been
an "authority" that will decice things, thus relieving
the community of *having to get along*. As long as they
all scream their points loudly, the authority will hear
so they focus on that instead of cooperating with each other.

If there was no god (or Jon or Ira) given authority, and
npbody to impress or blame, the community would have to
work together, instead, or see no forward movement.

Just a thought.

"To find out what your opponent is up to, look at what he
says about you" - unknown

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