
I have been aware of this and concerned about it.

esther or mike roberts needs to explain what this is all about....

It *MAY* be only the formal legalization of the 11/25/98 MoU.  It may be
much worse....certainly the choice of the language: " only one responsible
source" is highly unfortunate.

certainly there has been NO SIGN since 11/25/98 that the ICANN tiger is
thinking about changing its stripes.

If mike and esther knew that NTIA's DOC mou was just a face saving gesture
that would explain why they have continued to do as they please....  and
the lack of trust which is universal outside the narrow ICANN circle means
that the rest of us must assume the worst.


>'Twould be nice, but -
>DESC: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
>  on behalf of the National Telecommunications and Information
>  Administration (NTIA) intends to award a contract under the
>  authority of 41 USC 253(c)(1), only one responsible source,
>  to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
>  (ICANN) for operation of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
>Seems that not only does the design of the infrastructure tend to move the
>administration of the net towards a single, central authority, but the
>surrounding political structure does, too.
>David Schutt
The COOK Report on Internet            What Happened to the White Paper?
431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA  ICANN a Sham. (updated 10/25/98) See
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