Michael Sondow wrote:
> I was attacked in an offensive and insulting way when I tried to
> carry on a debate with someone on the IETF list. Dave Crocker came
> there, out of nowhere, to insult me gratuitously. Other IETFers took
> it up, and literally drove me off the list, merely because I disagreed
> with someone's position.. I have absolutely no obligation to spare
> my words with people who attack me on their list, when they come onto
> the IFWP list. None at all. Tit for tat, as the saying goes.
> Last summer, you and others on this list flamed me unmercifully,
> using words and expressions far, far wrose than anything I have ever
> dreamt of using on a public list. You drove me off this list, and I
> didn't have the courage to return until recently. Now you write
> carefully-worded messages remonstrating with me for not being nice
> to other people who have insulted me elsewhere. Well, people's memories
> are longer than you give them credit for, Roeland. You are only fooling
> yourself with sanctimonious messages like this one.
> You and the nasty, arrogant people you are defending have gotten it
> into your heads that you own the Internet. Well, it isn't so. The
> Internet is full of proud people, proud of themselves and of what
> they have done to make the Internet useful for human beings. When
> you start treating us with respect, we will treat you in the same
> fashion. Not before.

 I will mirror Michaels statements. I have also been
 victumized in more ways that I can recount, having
 been part of this organized violence for somewhat
 longer. Indeed the attacks that Mr. Sondow has
 experienced are old hat to me. Not only content
 to attack any and all dissent in public forums 
 our opponents are even willing to bring the fight
 into our private lives. Witness all those sites
 and messages and smear campaigns that have been 
 directed my way. Granted I write somewhat more
 colourfully than many but I am simply another
 law abiding citizen acting in a civil manner. 

 Somewhere along the way I have developed a hard
 and fast attitude that tends to take no prisioners
 and tolerate no deviation from what I believe to
 be fundamental ethical and policy positions. This
 may be described as a pre-occupational hazard in
 this environment. And while some may accuse me
 of giving as good as I get I need only point out
 the fact that I stick to the topic, discuss the
 issues and address the events. No personal smear
 sites, whisper campaigns or endless, ruthless
 pursuit issue from me. While my loyal opposition
 seemingly knows no boundries, willing even to
 stomp right into my home, community and career,
 branding me as some sort of combination fool,
 mental patient and blood curddling psychopath.
 So be it.

 I will not relent or back down or surrender though
 I may choose to submerge from time to time. There
 is no way on Earth and no amount of pressure that
 will shake me from this debate. It has been seven
 years of net.activism and three years involvement
 with "newdom", IP addresses and Internet Governance.
 Innumerable attacks later and my resolve is un-
 detered, unaltered. We shall overcome. I will be
 there when it happens if the gods are willing.
 Perseverance furthers. I will persevere and I
 encourage Michael, Ronda and my other collegues,
 whatever our minor disagreements, to persevere 
 as well. Time is only on our side... because we
 are however imperfectly reflecting the interests
 of "We the People" in all of this mess. And history
 will be our true judge not these bigoted power
 trippers that descend upon us like so many
 jackels. Perseverance furthers...

 Bob Allisat

 Free Community Network _ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 http://fcn.net _ http://fcn.net/allisat 

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