At 05:52 PM 1/11/99 -0500, Martin B. Schwimmer wrote:
>Which constituencies would the following entities or types of entities fall
>under (registry, registrar, infrastructure and connectivity provider,
>business and other organziations, TM and anti-counterfeiting interests,

Any of these ...

>Law Schools
>A law school professor
>A trademark law firm
>A general practice law firm
>A trademark search firm
>A free-lance computer consultant

... could do *all* of the above. This is the fundimental problem and
advantage of our computer tech. Given not very much money, a fair amount of
time, and some knowlege, any business focus can transform in about 3-4
weeks. Importantly, they don't have to quit whatever they are doing at the
time of the decision. If MHSC sets up a registry, this does NOT mean MHSC
has to quit doing SecureMail, or other secure services. MHSC can, once the
registry is running fine, start registrar operation, for other TLDs as well
as its own. Then, given proper funding, host an e-commerce mall, a search
engine, etc. Simply add computers and SysAdmins. The larger capacity
requirements are easily handled with todays hardware/software. The larger
problem is SysAdmin time, core competency mix, and desired market focus.
This focus can be changed at a moments notice.

Without knowing why you are asking the question, it is difficult to answer.

Roeland M.J. Meyer - 
e-mail:                                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Company web-site:                 
I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing...
                -- Thomas Jefferson

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