At 08:08 AM 3/25/99 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I know many refuse to accept this, but the old InterNIC was
>a hybrid site involving both registry (DNS) and registrar
>(customer) functions and it is very easy to establish that
>most of the functions on the InterNIC site were registrar
>related.  InterNIC was not a registry.  There was no
>registry, but there will be shortly.


Every now and again, someone delivers a stellar line that lives forever.  I 
suspect that your "There was no registry" will be one of them.

It wanders so broadly between fantasy, revisionistic history, and accurate 
summary of the difficulties with NSI's service, that I can only hope the 
rest of the community embraces the utterance as enthusiastically as I do.

Thank you.


Dave Crocker                                         Tel: +1 408 246 8253
Brandenburg Consulting                               Fax: +1 408 273 6464
675 Spruce Drive                             <>
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA                 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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