On Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 01:33:49AM -0400, Gordon Cook wrote:
> >
> >The IFWP list is full of professional nay-sayers, bitchers and
> >fruitcakes. First the ICANN was attacked for being elitist,
> >non-democratic and not transparant.
> Ah....BUT *YOU* Onno see fit to propagate Ascencios lies about NSI.  BUT
> no, since you are for the ISOC, ITU, European socialist model of the world
> that is permissible.

What lies?  So far as I can see, Asensio has very carefully hewed 
the line.  For example, statements like

  "...unauthorized use of US government property by a government
  contractor is a serious offense.  NSOL's willingness to take such a
  dangerous risk , especially during the difficult ongoing price
  negotiations for the provisional registry, may indicate that it has
  exhausted all other tactics to delay the scheduled termination of
  its entire domain name government contract."

are *very* carefully worded.  
(quote from http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/990412/ny_asensio_1.html)

Of course, I have read all Mr Asensio's releases with great interest,
and I would be delighted to engage in a nice, constructive, public
debate with you or anyone about the content.  I don't see any lies 
at all.

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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