> Words Of Onno Hovers:
> > The IFWP list is full of professional nay-sayers, bitchers and
> > fruitcakes. First the ICANN was attacked for being elitist,
> > non-democratic and not transparant. 
> > And now the same people are attacking the ICANN for not being
> > elitist enough. I cannot understand what is wrong with a membership
> > that is totally open and democratic. The Membership Committee has
> > done an excellent work, IMO.
> Yes, I agree.

Reading this back I realize that I missed a serious point. I meant that I agreed that 
the MAC did quite a lot of good work. I dis-agree with some of the conclusions, 
however. But, it may be an adequate compromise, should the holes be plugged.

To the point, it is incomplete. But, I don't want to denigrate the excellent effort 
that went into it. I just don't see sufficient evidence of completion there.

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