
  To use your own rather dispaced logic with respect to yourself,
maybe you could tell us which is the REAL Mark Jeftovic?
To Wit, other E-Mail addresses that bear the Mark Jeftovic name:
Mark Jeftovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mark Jeftovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mark Jeftovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mark Jeftovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Now to carry this a bit further using your and John Charles Broomfields logic.
are all of these E-mail addresses Yours or the same person that
sent this response, [EMAIL PROTECTED] And if not than how
are we to REALLY know that this response is accurate?  And if so,
how do we know for a fact that those other E-Mail addresses don't
belong to another Mark Jeftovic? In addition how many other
Mark Jeftovic's could their be that may have similar backgrounds
as yours, though not exact but significantly close?

Answer:  In reality, we don't.  So your point that you and John
Charles Broomfield make is valid in the sense with your own
respective levels of paranoia, which we all have to one extent
or another.  The problem here is that some have an paranoia
level that is a bit extreme, which is my point in its entirely.


> Mark and all,
>   Is there a potential reality concern with Mark?  Has reason and
> responsibility on a regular basis been lost to mark? Or does
> Mark have a reading impairment of some nature?  If so, how
> terrible for him.  Or is this just another attempt to be disingenuous
> purposefully?


I wouldn't know what the "reality concern" is with me. It's pretty
trivial to verify both mine and my companys' existance. I don't want
to drag the other JW into this, my post was (I thought) an innocuous
comment on a potential mixup in identity (it only takes one delusional
fucked up Jeff Williams to taint the entire batch) and I just wanted each
Jeff Williams to be judged on their own pitfalls and merits.

  And what other Jeff Williams might that be Mark?

That I've potentially dragged another (real) Jeff Williams into this
and brought the inane meanderings of the (delusional) Jeff Williams
onto myself is regrettable.

ROFLMAO, my your level of paranoia is rather high I see.  <sigh>
Shame that...

Unlike others on this thread (you know who you are) I've said nothing
that can't be easily verified.

  I beg your pardon.  I believe that I have just demonstrated with the
very little information that we have on the person posting this
response that claims HE is the real Mark Jeftovic, has only proven
that this particular Mark Jeftovic, has a unique E-mail address
of [EMAIL PROTECTED]  That is NOT to say that it is
not sufficient for the purposes of THESE E-Mail lists, of course.
But proves very little else.


|||| mark jeftovic    (MJ177)   ====     ||||
|||| easyDNS Technologies Inc.  ====             ||||
 dns hosting / domain registrations / web forwarding / mail forwarding / etc


Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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