1. How can they self-organize when 99% of their membership won't be
in Berlin? Do you honestly mean to say that a constituency may only
be organized by those who can afford both the time and money to fly
to Berlin. Absurd.

2. Why do you persist in calling yourself the "initial" board, when it is
plainly clear that your mandate calls you the "interim" board.

For that matter, why is your interim board making decisions that
were codified to be left to the first elected board?

Esther, you're just digging your own hole. Keep digging.


-----Original Message-----
From: Esther Dyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [IFWP] Re: Registrar Constituency meeting - Berlin

>The rooms are open.  Then either the constituencies self-organize, and the
>Initial Board  recognizes them, or certain constituencies will be missing
>the initial DNSO. At that point, the constituencies can determine who
>qulaifies as a member, but those criteria need to be justifiable in light
>the purpose/nature of the constituency.
>esther Dyson
>At 12:48 PM 21/05/99 +0200, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
>>On Fri, 21 May 1999, Amadeu Abril i Abril wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The Registrar (proto)Consituency will be meting next Tuesday 24 from
>8:45am to
>>> 12:00 (local Berln time) at the Adlon Hotel, Linden Rooom
>>> We will be discussing the Consituency charter and strategy, as wel as
>>> vusiness of tierest.
>>> Hope to see interested arites there.
>>> Amadeu
>>> PS: as yu know, current proposal defines inital consituency members as
>>> ICANN-accredited registrars only. Ohter wouldbe members, and among them
>>> ccTLD-only, non-ICANN-accredited registrars are welcome on an observer,
>>> non-voting basis, at least for the moemnt being, even if thsi is one of
>>> issues that will be discussed there.
>>I was going to write that this is a typical Amadeu, a most shameless
>>attempt at capturing the constituency, but I shall leave it to Ms Dyson by
>>way of a message forwarded to the IFWP list which makes it very clear that
>>*ANYONE* can sit in *ANY* room *AND* vote on *ANYTHING*.
>>In other words, if I can manage to get my grand aunt (quite hard of
>>hearing and has no idea what the Internet is) to come there and raiser her
>>hands against any proposal advanced by Amadeu, there is not a thing in the
>>world he can do about it, other then voting in favour.
>>I do not agree with this, personally, as commercial domain holders have
>>noting to do in a non commercial domain constituency, and in particular do
>>lobbyist fronts for commerce  such as ISOC and ETSI have NOTHING to do
>>there, nor should Registries have any business in the Registrar
>>constituency and so on. And Jeff the Man and Willie the Whiner should be
>>sent out to the playground where they belong. If they turned up. If they
>>But who will make these decisions?
>>So we really only have one choice, let everyone in everywhere, but only
>>against credentials issued by the event organizers, which in turn must do
>>that only against proof of identity.
>>Then all votes must be recorded against the names so when the courts
>>eventually sort it out, there will be less chaos.
>>In fact this is great stuff, as all the work that has been put into
>>defining constituencies over the last two years has just been declared
>>null and void with the stroke of a feather by the esteemend Ms Shaffer Van
>>Houveling and Ms Dyson, in favour of a free for all!
>>Boy, do I am sorry I can't be there :-)-O
>>greetings, el
>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>From: Esther Dyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 04:45:41 -0400
>>Subject: Re: [IFWP] Re: Credentials for attendance at the NCDNHC
>>organizational  meeting    $
>>It applies to all the constituencies, and concerns who may enter the room.
>>Then we hope the people in the room will self-organize and come up with
>>reasonable criteria for their group. but each constituency =building
>>effort must start with an open room.
>>At 12:56 AM 21/05/99 -0400, Michael Sondow wrote:
>>>Molly Shaffer Van Houweling a crit:
>>>> ICANN has reserved the room referred to below for the use of anyone who
>>>> interested in discussing the formation of the Non-commercial Domain
>>>> Holders Constituency.  The room will be open to the public without
>>Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse\         /                 Swakopmund State Hospital
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         *        |                  Resident Medical Officer
>>Private Bag 5004       \      / +264 81 1246733 (c) 64 461005(h) 461004(f)
>>Swakopmund, Namibia     ;____/       Domain Coordinator for NA-DOM (el108)
>Esther Dyson Always make new mistakes!
>chairman, EDventure Holdings
>interim chairman, Internet Corp. for Assigned Names & Numbers
>1 (212) 924-8800
>1 (212) 924-0240 fax
>104 Fifth Avenue (between 15th and 16th Streets; 20th floor)
>New York, NY 10011 USA
>http://www.edventure.com                    http://www.icann.org
>High-Tech Forum in Europe:  24 to 26 October 1999, Budapest
>PC Forum: March 12 to 15, 2000, Scottsdale (Phoenix), Arizona
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