On Mon, 24 May 1999 00:28:17 +0100, Dr Eberhard W Lisse

>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Willie crawled out from under the rock 
>and whined:
>> Amazing how Dr Lisse's position changes along with how the winds are
>> blowing......
>Heel, Willie, Heel!
>> I was supporting the ORBS system and he accuses me of "Censorship,"
>> then someone else says it shouldn't be used and he supports it
>> use....
>And delusional too.
>You suggested putting Jeff the Man onto the ROBS system to censor him,
>and not because he's sending SPAM, which he isn't. He can't, as he
>doesn't exist. 
>I then told you what an idiot you are, that doing this would be
>criminal and that it would interfere with freedom of speech. To which
>you demonstrated the value of your third rate high school diploma.

Obviously you didn't learn how to read in medical school.

I said that the SMTP server Jeffey boy sends his email through is
ALREADY in the ORBS list because Netcom doesn't want to fix their open

An individual person CANNOT be added into the ORBS blackhole, but a
mail server can be, and Netcom's dallas server is ALREADY in it. 

Got it now Doc?

Do you need me to type it slower for you?

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