Richard J. Sexton a écrit:
> Hey, kinda like the ISOC meeting before the Geneva IFWP meeting.
> Coincidence, I'm sure.

You have to understand, Richard, that those people in ISOC and CORE
aren't very intelligent. They have a limited set of tactics, which
they use over and over again, and which they are unable to adapt to
the circumstances, like calling themselves the NCDNHC or the DNSO
before those entities have been formed, or starting mailing lists
called DNSO.ORG or NCDNHSOlist before they've been designated as
those organizations. Also, when they've been outsmarted, which
doesn't take very much because they are stupid, they try to get all
their supporters together, in the hope that numbers will
counterbalance their lack of reason.

These are strictly archetypical fascist tactics, fascism being
always a sort of revolt of the stupid against the control of society
by the intelligent. They know they can't win an argument, so they
resort to manipulation and cheating. They can't honestly answer any
question you put to them without admitting that they have no real
claim to be anything but servants or dishwashers, so they lie
baldfacedly in the hope that intelligent people, who aren't used to
baldfaced lies, won't believe their ears. They can't earn a dollar
honestly because they haven't a worthwhile idea in their heads, and
so have to make deals with people who have money, to act as their
operatives and lackeys.

A good indication of the lack of intelligence of these people is
their total incompetence to organize anything, witness the utter
disorganization of the meetings, the mailing lists, and the
websites. The board they put in place hasn't found a single way to
use the Internet for organizational purposes. Why? Is it really
because they don't want to? Not at all. The Internet would be useful
to them. It's because they can't figure out how to do. They're too

Who do they get to call people and form a board? An incompetent like
Joe Sims, who blows everything to Congress and then contradicts his
own lies the first chance he gets.

How do they get and keep their authority? By talking someone like
them, an ignorant and inexperienced girl in a government of
mediocrities, that she can make a name for herself by going along
with a stupid plan cooked up by incompetents.

This whole process is a joke. The Spanish have an expression for it:
"En el pais de los ciegos, el tuerto es rey". In the land of the
blind, the one-eyed man is king.

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