I love this...Dave Crocker actually telling someone to act professional.
:-)  Too much!!  


At 12:29 PM 5/25/99 -0700, Dave Crocker wrote:
>At 02:53 PM 5/25/99 -0400, Kim Hubbard wrote:
>> >Everyone involved noted how when NSI took over, the quality of service
>> >substantially declined.
>>Wow! you talked to everyone?  Did you take an online poll or just called
>>everyone up?
>Well, Kim, that's constructively toned, to focus on the important part of 
>Karl's statement, isn't it?  Very professional.  Thank you.
>How about:  Over the course of several years, many of us who had continuing 
>and varied contact with NSI discussed this amongst ourselves and many 
>others and not one single such discussion uncovered anyone who thought that 
>NSI was doing a particularly good job in terms of reliability or customer 
>Some end-users were and are satisfied, yes.  However, most people who had a 
>problem were not satisfied in the resolution process.  Anyone with 
>requirements for continued interactions with NSI was not satisfied.
>Now, Kim.  Try to respond to the content and try to look inward and find 
>some professionalism in your skillset.  You have a job that is supposed to 
>require it.
>Should you wish to pursue the content of these claims, I am sure that many 
>of us will be quite happy to document the lengthy and painful history of 
>dropped entries, double billing, corrupted whois data, and customer service 
>failings.  It went on for years, so there's a very rich base of such 
>stories, indeed.
>> >And are you telling me that NSI went into the contract without knowing
>> >what would be involved in doing the job?
>>Oh, I guess you alone knew the Internet and domain registrations would grow
>>at the rate it has.  Remind me to call you next time I need a psychic
>Yup.  It was really tough to see the Internet rate of doubling ever since 
>its inception and then predicting the next few years.
>But, gosh, I guess that is almost attending to the actual content of the 
>discussion, rather than just attacking personalities.  Can't have that,
can we?
>> >Nobody is making that comparison.  Rather, we are pointing out that NSI
>> >stepped into a set of well established shoes on a well lit path.
>>They weren't well established...period.  The growth alone would've made
>>redesigning the entire system and process necessary.
>Then why did NSI wait several years before making serious changes?  The 
>system that NSI operated for its first few years was entirely inadequate 
>for any real growth.  This did not change until after NSI was given its 
>massive, protected revenue stream.
>>You don't have a clue.  I guess the facts just don't matter to you when
>>it's so much more interesting to make stuff up.
>It is, perhaps, significant that you haven't supplied any contrary 
>facts.  Instead you've nicely engaged in character attacks, and other 
>emotional appeals.
>Thank you.
>Dave Crocker                                         Tel: +1 408 246 8253
>Brandenburg Consulting                               Fax: +1 408 273 6464
>675 Spruce Drive                             <http://www.brandenburg.com>
>Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA                 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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