
I'd also like to add my thanks to those responsible for making the on-line 
participation possible. The meeting started 7:00pm New Zealand time and 
went through until 4:30am - and the quality of the web-cast was good enough 
to keep at least four of us glued to our respective screens all night.

I'd just like to comment that I found one part of the process absolutely 
fascinating. I have attended hundred's of meetings in person, and it was 
really interesting to be one step removed - out of the physical process and all 
the 'energy' which that generates, yet able to observe as well as hear. I found 
it extremely useful to be able to watch the body language of the Board as 
various people spoke. As a result I have been able to form some very clear 
impressions of how various members of the Board really feel about the 
issues - very, very, useful.

Again, thanks to all involved in the web-cast.


> >In case anyone else hasn't done so, please let me be one of those that
> >says thank you for all the hard work the Berkman Center and yourself have
> >put into making this information available.
> hear, hear!  Without them, we'd have just about zip.
> --tony 

Sue Leader - Executive Director
ISOCNZ (Internet Society of New Zealand Inc)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Voice: +64-4-801-6256
Postal: Level 1, (e)-Vision Centre, 282 Wakefield St, Wellington

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