I agree with you here.

Ivan Pope: CEO
Managing Your Internet Identity
180-182 Tottenham Court Road
London, W1P 9LE
+44 171 291 3900 
+44 171 291 3939 (Fax)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Ambler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 30 May 1999 21:55
> Subject: [IFWP] gTLD constituency
> It is the position of Image Online Design, Inc. that the refusal to
> admit prospective registries to the gTLD constituency, the very
> group formed to represent its interests, constitutes a deliberate
> attempt to exclude prospective registries from participation in
> the DNSO. Policy decisions reached by the DNSO relating to
> new registries, without the direct participation of prospective
> new registries in their capacity therein are questionable, at best,
> and most likely actionable by the excluded businesses.
> The results, therefore, are constrained to a very narrow set
> of possibilities. While it's obviously not too late to change this
> situation, action is currently being taken as a result.
> Christopher Ambler

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