Title: RE: [IFWP] gTLD constituency


When you get the chance, please visit http://www.tlda.org.  While the site still needs some additional flesh, it should (in combination with the open letters at ICANN's DNSO page) give you an idea of what we have proposed to ICANN for gTLD registry involvement.

Gene Marsh
interim secretary, Top Level Domain Association

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Sondow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, May 30, 1999 7:06 PM
> To: Christopher Ambler
> Cc: IFWP
> Subject: Re: [IFWP] gTLD constituency
> Christopher Ambler a écrit:
> >
> > It is the position of Image Online Design, Inc. that the refusal to
> > admit prospective registries to the gTLD constituency, the very
> > group formed to represent its interests, constitutes a deliberate
> > attempt to exclude prospective registries from participation in
> > the DNSO. Policy decisions reached by the DNSO relating to
> > new registries, without the direct participation of prospective
> > new registries in their capacity therein are questionable, at best,
> > and most likely actionable by the excluded businesses.
> >
> > The results, therefore, are constrained to a very narrow set
> > of possibilities. While it's obviously not too late to change this
> > situation, action is currently being taken as a result.
> While I'm not altogether certain that the recently formed gTLD
> constituency is an appropriate place for prospective registries to
> find a voice in the DNSO, since their voice in it might easily be
> subsumed to that of NSI, I agree with IO Design's objection that no
> place has been made for it and like prospective regsitries in the SO
> structure of ICANN.
> New registries are sorely needed, not only by commercial interests
> for broadening their access to web-based e-commerce but for an
> expanded and conflict-free access to the Internet for individual and
> non-commercial independent users. The ICIIU therefore seconds the
> aspirations of IO Design and like new registries and endorses their
> efforts to gain a well-deserved voice in ICANN.
> Michael Sondow (ICIIU)

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