Gosh Marty....what a profound contribution to the well belong of the
Internet you have made here.  Sondow has become extremely clueful.  maybe
some day you will follow his example?

>Gordon Cook wrote today:
>>I have heard now from two sources that ISOC, which kept the non commercial
>>domain holders constituency from being recognized in Berlin by saying it
>>couldn't give a milimeter on behalf of its 30 constituents, is now engaged
>>in a smear campaign against meuller and sondow, a campaign squarely aimed
>>at getting the ACM to repudiate its involvement with Professor Meuller and
>>Kathy Klieman on the grounds that meuller and klieman allegedly sold out to
>>the "infamous" Michael Sondow.
>In a series of posts on September 27, 1998, Gordon Cook posted publicly the
>following remarks directed at Sondow:
>"you are hardly the most welcome person on this list.  I advise you to take
>your personal attacks to private mail."
>"gee just when sondow had shown some signs of maturity, he throws another
>lovely tantrum......."

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