Martin B. Schwimmer a écrit:

> In a series of posts on September 27, 1998, Gordon Cook posted publicly the
> following remarks directed at Sondow:
> "you are hardly the most welcome person on this list.  I advise you to take
> your personal attacks to private mail."
> and
> "gee just when sondow had shown some signs of maturity, he throws another
> lovely tantrum......."

Ah, Mr. Schwimmer, you have been lying in wait all this time to get
even with me for besting you in the debates subsequent to the
Monterrey conference.

It's true, when I first began posting on these lists I was subject
to flaming and, having a passionate nature, responded in kind,
which, from a newbie, was not taken well. But I have since paid my
dues, as they say, and have found common ground with those, like
Gordon Cook, who are fighting for justice and freedom on the
Internet. I only wish that you were one of them.

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