Hi Kerry,

ICANNs position is subterfuge at best.

The initial vs. interim board distinction
was an issue because ORSC and BWG made it
one.  We were concerned that this board, 
formed from a "virgin birth," would make 
decisions of substance before the Internet 
community could appoint representatives.

It is now apparent that our concerns were 
well founded :-(


At 04:29 PM 6/16/99 , Kerry  Miller wrote:
>Esther wrote,
>> NSI has promoted the notion that ICANN somehow has violated the
>> White Paper by having an "initial" Board rather than an "interim"
>> Board. This argument is pointless. The White Paper calls for the
>> consensus entity that became ICANN to "appoint, on an interim
>> basis, an initial Board of Directors (an Interim Board)"  (emphasis
>> in original]. This "initial" Board was to serve until it
>> established "a system of electing a Board of Directors."  Thus, the
>> terms "initial" and "interim" were clearly synonymous in the White
>> Paper. 
>Article V: Section 1 indeed speaks of an "Initial Board":
>The initial Board of Directors of the Corporation ("Initial Board") 
>shall consist of [a] nine At Large members, [b] the President (when 
>appointed) and [c] those Directors that have been selected in 
>accordance with these bylaws by any Supporting Organization(s) 
>that exists under Section 3(a) of Article VI during the term of any of 
>such At Large members.  The At Large members of the Initial 
>Board shall serve until September 30, 1999, unless by a two-thirds 
>(2/3) vote of all the members of the Board that term is extended...  
>Since only the at-large members and yourself are currently sitting, 
>minus the remaining Directors indicated in clause c, beginning with 
>the conjunction 'and,' it seems to me clear that *as yet* INCANNs 
>*Initial Board does not yet exist, and that it significantly clarifies 
>the process if this 'at large' (not to say ad-hoc) half of the Initial 
>Board were designated as something else, for instance, 'Interim 
>Board.  Do you not agree that when the (conscientious) history 
>books are written, they will wish to make some such distinction -- 
>for instance, to make it perfectly clear that amendments to the 
>bylaws (not to mention certain other statements of policy) were 
>made without the participation of any representatives selected by 
>the organizations membership?
>(You may be interested to know that when I suggested this to Mike 
>Roberts, (3 June) he responded (which in itself is more than some 
>do!): "The Board will grow incrementally as the SO's add their 
>Directors, and as the at large elections are held. I don't see any 
>useful distinction between what the board does or doesn't do during 
>any particular stage and I doubt that history will either."
>-- that is,  whether there are member representatives or not is 
>apparently not a useful distinction. May we infer that whether he 
>carries the title of President of this board is also not very useful?)
>In particular, when you say
>>  The White Paper specifically called on the "initial" Board to
>> formulate the necessary consensus policies to allow competition to

>> be introduced as quickly as possible.  
>doesnt it strike you as not merely "quick," but downright premature 
>for 9 appointed members to proceed to do the work of 19 elected 
>members? Do you not see that the problems you attribute to NSI 
>may be caused largely by your own Board's pre-emption of the 
>process? That the 'fierce resistance' you meet is simply because 
>you're not doing it right? That if you had not been in quite such a 
>hurry, you might not only have properly -- that is, on technical 
>grounds -- refused to accept their extension of nondisclosure 
>agreements to 
>> the experiences of the ICANN-accredited registrars now 
>> attempting to open up the domain-name registration business 
>> to competition
>-- but had wide public support for the 'delay' a showdown at that 
>time (instead of the present backhanded attack) might have 
>     "When we are asked direct questions we answer them." - E 


Jay Fenello
President, Iperdome, Inc.    404-943-0524
What's your .per(sm)?   http://www.iperdome.com 

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