William X. Walsh wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:48:55 -0700 (PDT), Greg Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:

> >Now, on the other hand, it may not be very well known that consumers
> >have choices, or that there might be reasons why they should exercise
> >the choices they have.  Is this ICANN's fault?  (Note, Mike Roberts is
> >on record as stating that users can take name resolution from
> >alternate roots if they wish.)

> How gracious of him! *sarcasm intended*
> The simple fact is that he knows that the current root servers, as the
> "default" install (heck, what do you expect, Vixie makes Bind, Vixie
> runs the r.root-servers.net), will always be the dominating root, and
> basically dictate to the others (For if they don't follow the
> dictates, they will lose whatever ISP support they have).

How does Mike Roberts know this?

He can't predict the future.  The IANA root might very well be
subsumed by another root.  Domain names might fade away (like letter
telephone exchanges did).

You are making it sound as if he (and ICANN in general) are part of a
plot to restrict entry into the registry business.  Another way of
looking at it is that they are staying out of the way of alternative

Please give me the address of the ISP technical mailing list where
these issues are being discussed.  Thank you.


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