At 07:28 PM 7/17/99 , Dave Crocker wrote:
>At 11:07 AM 7/17/99 , Andy Gardner wrote:
>>ICANN - that's the supposed "open" organisation that is blocking the
>>recognition of IDNO?
>Refusal to accept IDNO is hardly proof of being closed.
>As Kent noted, there are some operational aspects to IDNO which should
>cause any reasonable evaluator to question its legitimacy as a
>representative body for the constituency it claims.
>> >Password protection is amazingly naive.
>>You haven't done your homework. Memebers are assigned a password by the
>>system, not the other way around. You can set up as many e-mail address as
>>you want, but you'd only have one that was issued a password.
>Your statement means that "email address" is not the "identifier" for
>distinguishing between people.  What is?  What prevents one person from
>having/using multiple such ID's?
>The reality is almost certain to prove to be that a serious security audit
>to the desig the design to be massively laced with holes and poor assumptions.
>1.  Getting this sort of system design right is really a remarkably
>difficult technical task, particularly for large scale use.  Even if you
>can fully prove the legitimacy of your 21-person system, it will be quite
>another task to prove it for 21,000-person use, never mind the fact that
>anything like this on the real Internet had better be design to work for
>21,000,000, at least.

Yea, at least 21,000,000.

In fact, at least 6,000,000,000!

Yea, we need to be able to handle
every living, breathing, person on
the planet before we can start voting.

Dave, you are too much ;-)


>2.  Ultimately this sort of voting needs to stand up under scrutiny of
>legal review and I believe there is, as of yet, no case law to support it.
>>Stick to your day job.
>It happens that Kent's day job IS network security and he's quite good at
>it.  I have to work with experts in security and most of them are only good
>at highly focused issues, rather than at looking at system-wide
>concerns.  Kent happens to be good at systems issues.  Care to reconsider
>you overly-quick dismissal of the issues he raised?
>Dave Crocker                                         Tel: +1 408 246 8253
>Brandenburg Consulting                               Fax: +1 408 273 6464
>675 Spruce Drive                             <>
>Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA                 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jay Fenello
President, Iperdome, Inc.    404-943-0524
What's your .per(sm)? 

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